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README file from "uil2VK" directory

                  ~4Dgifts/toolbox/utilities/uil2VK README

    v4.2 of the toolbox has a more recent version of uil2VK with more
    bugs fixes.

    The uil2VK program is a code generator that can be used with a Motif
    user interface builder, BuilderXcessory, to generate code that is
    compatible with the ViewKit class library.  A prerequisite to using
    this program is that you have ICS BuilderXcessory version 3.0 or
    greater.  You also need ViewKit, which is bundled with C++ from SGI.
    To use his code generator module, install the file uil2VK in any
    location (say /usr/local/bin) and set the following resource:
    *cppTranslator: /usr/local/bin/uil2VK
    to indicate the location of uil2VK.
    Then generate C++ as you would normally do in BuilderXcessory.
    BuilderXcessory is a product of Integrated Computer Solutions
    (617-621-0060), and can be purchased directly from them or through
    SGI's ExpressWare.
    There are some differences in the code generated by this code
    generator and the one shipped with BuilderXcessory.  First, all classes
    will be created as subclasses of VkComponent.  The main program will
    also use ViewKit instead of a conventional program structure.  The
    uil2VK converter uses the vararg versions of all functions whenever
    possible.  In addition, any attempt to pass additional client data to
    callbacks will be ignored. Although BuilderXcessory allows this, it
    makes no sense in a C++ program, and ViewKit disallows it to produce
    cleaner code.
    See the C++ tutorials shipped with BuilderXcessory for ideas on how to
    use this builder with C++ classes.
    The uil2VK converter is not an ICS product and problems relating to
    its use should be forwarded to SGI, not ICS.  This is a "proof of
    concept" code generator, and while it has been used succesfully in
    many cases, it has not been fully tested and is not a supported

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